Running for the Gold in Rosemount
Following are the results of the Rosemount Leprechaun Days Run for the Gold distance races on July 22. One-mile: Female – 1. Lauren Peterson 5:23; 2. Lilyen Peterson 6:03; 3. Sophie Venning 6:12; 4. Sara Hatleli 6:55; 5. Lindsey Leet 7:29. Male – 1. Jason Quarford 5:20; 2. Samuel Sampene 5:41; 3. Jonathan Sampers 5:59; 4. Phil Stubbs 6:00; 5. Ryan Mulcahy 6:06.
Four-mile: Female – 1. Lilyen Peterson 28:43; 2. Sophie Venning 27:26; 3. Caitlyn Storley 29:00; 4. Jo McGovern 30:13; 5. Stacy Hoefs 33:21. Male – 1. Andrew Schultz 22:15; 2. lan Atherley 24:58; 3. Max Jenness 24:59; 4. Ben Pielhop 25:37; 5. John Rollie 25:58.
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Following are the results of the Rosemount Leprechaun Days Run for the Gold distance races on July 22. One-mile: Female – 1. Lauren Peterson 5:23; 2. Lilyen Peterson 6:03; 3. Sophie Venning 6:12; 4. Sara Hatleli 6:55; 5. Lindsey Leet 7:29. Male – 1. Jason Quarford 5:20; 2. Samuel Sampene 5:41; 3. Jonathan Sampers 5:59; 4. Phil Stubbs 6:00; 5. Ryan Mulcahy 6:06.Four-mile: Female – 1. Lilyen Peterson 28:43; 2. Sophie Venning 27:26; 3. Caitlyn Storley 29:00; 4. Jo McGovern 30:13; 5. Stacy Hoefs 33:21. Male – 1. Andrew Schultz 22:15; 2. lan Atherley 24:58; 3. Max Jenness 24:59; 4. Ben Pielhop 25:37; 5. John Rollie 25:58.Keep it Clean.PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK.Don't Threaten.Be Truthful.Be Nice.Be Proactive.Share with Us.Success!Error!Signup today!