Auditions slated for ‘Free Air’ in Rosemount
This is one of the 70 photos that preserve the production of “Free Air,” which was the first silent movie made in Minnesota. Some of the filming took place in Rosemount in front of the “Red Tail Garage and Teal” dealership at the southeast corner of what is now 145th Street and Highway 3.
Play will be based on the Sinclair Lewis novel and the first movie filed in Minnesota
Auditions for the Front Porch Players’ production of “Free Air,” a play based on the novel of the same name by written by Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize winning Minnesota author Sinclair Lewis, will be held Monday, Aug. 28 and Tuesday, Aug. 29, 6-9 p.m. at the Steeple Center, 14375 S. Robert Trail.
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This is one of the 70 photos that preserve the production of “Free Air,” which was the first silent movie made in Minnesota. Some of the filming took place in Rosemount in front of the “Red Tail Garage and Teal” dealership at the southeast corner of what is now 145th Street and Highway 3. Please enable it in your browser settings.Keep it Clean.PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK.Don't Threaten.Be Truthful.Be Nice.Be Proactive.Share with Us.Success!Error!Signup today!